Hey all,

I manage approx 50 discussion lists using the mailman system. The nature
of our organization is that one member is more than likely subscribed to
more than just 1 list. One issue that has come up among the membership
is the desire to authenticate only once and then be permitted to access
the private archives for all lists that they are subscribed to without
logging in again.

I've noticed that using administrative credentials created a cookie
named 'site' whereas a normal login creates a cookie identifying the
users email address and the individual list.

Has anyone worked on changing this functionality, or is it planned for
Mailman 3? I've scoured list archives and the internet in general and
haven't found even a hint that anyone is working on this or even feels
like it's worth complaining about.


Justin J. Hopkins
MOBIUS, Internet Applications Specialist
Mailman-Developers mailing list
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