Hi Mailman devs,

As a list admin I would find it hugely helpful if I could batch-edit users' topic subscriptions.


I use mailman to administer mailing lists for a 400-member community of a college dorm (including students and staff). Many of the announcements aren't applicable to the entire community, but instead to particular subgroups (e.g. sophomores, students living on the third floor, students enrolled in a math class).

Our current approach is to set up multiple lists -- one main list to which everyone is subscribed ('announce') and then another list for each subgroup (e.g. 'announce-sophomores', 'announce-third-floor', 'announce-math'). This is, of course, inelegant at best and more typically a major hassle for all involved.

I'd like to be able to use topics to filter messages to the appropriate set of users, but as far as I can tell this would require adjusting each user's topics by hand. (It's not realistic to ask members to set up their own topic subscriptions.) If there was a batch mechanism for adjusting users' topic subscriptions this would be much easier.

Potential Solution

I'm not particularly fussy about how the batch editing would be accomplished, but here's what I came up with that would seem to require little modification of mailman's current interface (I'm using 2.1.9):

On the mass-subscribe page (mailman/admin/foo/members/add), permit input to the 'subscribees' textarea with lines of the form

  'addr...@domain.com topic1 topic2'

which would subscribe the address to the list if it wasn't already, and further subscribe the address to the listed topics.

Similarly, the mass unsubscribe page (mailman/admin/foo/members/ remove), this input would unsubscribe the address from _only_ the listed topics, but not from the list as a whole.


Would love to get others' thoughts on this feature.

Thanks for your consideration!

Best regards,

PS I'm new to the list -- apologies if this has been covered before and my archive search wasn't sufficiently thorough.

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