
Last night, I sent a message to mailman-users pointing people at a turnkey, mimedefang-based solution to the problem of Mailman footers on MIME messages not displaying properly in some mail clients. That message has not yet been approved for the list, since I just joined it, so I've attached it here as well.

I wanted to add a description of and link to my new solution on the relevant page of the Mailman Wiki (, so I created an account for myself on the Wiki, but even after doing that, I can't find any way to edit the page.

I suppose this means that either I'm missing something, or new Wiki users are not granted write access to the Wiki by default. I searched a bit but couldn't find any obvious explanation of this policy or the right channel for requesting write access to the Wiki.

I assume there are people on this list who have write and admin access to the Wiki, so could I ask for someone to either (a) give me write access, at least to the page referenced above, so I can add something about my solution to it, or (b) add a description of my solution and a link to it ( on the Wiki page?


Jonathan Kamens

--- Begin Message ---

The owner of one of the Mailman mailing lists I administer recently asked me to add an important footer to the bottom of every message sent out to the list.

I added the footer to the list's configuration, but shortly afterwards, he complained to me that he was not seeing it in messages sent to the list.

This, of course, was the result of the problem that is often reported here, i.e., that Mailman adds the footer as a separate part of multipart MIME messages, and although the footer is marked for inline content disposition, many email clients (most notably Outlook) fail to display it inline, and instead display it as a text attachment to the message.

This problem is described in detail on the Mailman Wiki <>. There is a link there to a solution <> submitted to the Mailman developers for consideration over five years ago, but unfortunately they rejected it and the patches are stale and incompatible with the current stable Mailman version.

When this problem is brought up on this list and elsewhere, people often mention that a tool such as mimedefang could be used to solve it. That's true, but nobody ever seems to provide the details of exactly how to do it. That's probably because it isn't obvious.

I've just finished implementing a generic solution that will work out-of-the-box with standard versions of mimedefang and Mailman and only requires you to edit your mimedefang filter configuration once -- after that, you can enable this solution merely by editing the configuration of a Mailman list to add some special tokens to the footer setting to tell mimedefang to do the right thing.

You can read the documentation of my solution here <> or download it here <>. I love to hear from people who are using my software, so please email me and let me know if you find it useful. Please also email me if you have any questions, suggestions, bug reports, fixes or enhancements to share.


Jonathan Kamens

--- End Message ---
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