On 03/19/2012 09:14 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:

Thanks to all for the advice. I have some learning to do.

I actually have VirtualBox installed and for the sprint I had a
Vagrant VM set up running the basic
http://files.vagrantup.com/lucid32.box. I had set up a virtualenv on
this box with Sphinx installed for the Sphinx tutorial at PyCon, and
this worked really well.

When I got to the Mailman sprint, I tried to install MM 3 on this
Vagrant VM, and I ran into some error with buildout trying to compile
some package and failing with a missing Python.h file.

I ran 'sudo apt-get install python-dev' on the VM which I thought
would fix it, and the install seemed to run OK, but I still had no

At that point, I gave up and went to a virtualenv on my production server.

At this point, I don't know whether the best approach is look for a
more complete development box for Vagrant or figure out how to
provision the basic Vagrant box with what I need or forget Vagrant and
install directly in VirtualBox or go with a dual-boot.

Anyway, it's going to be interesting to figure this out.

Well but why using Vagrant?
Vagrant is great to create VMS for automatic testing, but if you want to create your own VM with all your things that you need I don't see how it can help, just install a normal
Ubuntu/whatever on Virtualbox and you're fine..

And another possible advice is to always copy the errors you get, also because most of the times
you can get the answer you want simply by a quick google search ;)
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