On 03/19/2012 09:14 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
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On 3/19/2012 4:25 AM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
There are lots of options here.  As mentioned, virtualbox should be
a good option, and you can probably use something like wubi to
create an Ubuntu desktop running along side Windows.

Thanks to all for the advice. I have some learning to do.

I actually have VirtualBox installed and for the sprint I had a
Vagrant VM set up running the basic
http://files.vagrantup.com/lucid32.box. I had set up a virtualenv on
this box with Sphinx installed for the Sphinx tutorial at PyCon, and
this worked really well.

When I got to the Mailman sprint, I tried to install MM 3 on this
Vagrant VM, and I ran into some error with buildout trying to compile
some package and failing with a missing Python.h file.

I ran 'sudo apt-get install python-dev' on the VM which I thought
would fix it, and the install seemed to run OK, but I still had no

At that point, I gave up and went to a virtualenv on my production server.

At this point, I don't know whether the best approach is look for a
more complete development box for Vagrant or figure out how to
provision the basic Vagrant box with what I need or forget Vagrant and
install directly in VirtualBox or go with a dual-boot.

Anyway, it's going to be interesting to figure this out.

Since I was curious to see I created a vagrant VM with lucid and I only needed to install the following:

   To install (Lucid32):
   - python
   - python-dev
   - bzr
   - python-setuptools
   - gcc

To make everything work and be able to run buildout and bin/test in mailman bzr version. So now I was thinking to transform this manual steps in a Vagrantfile, and we could use this
to ship for people that want to try, other things to do:

   Optional packages:
   - Gnome / XFCE / Other
   - vim

   To check/set:
   - launchpad login, possibly passing the authentication and the SSH
     key somehow to the vagrant file
   - dimension of the VM to make sure it's not too small

PS. I get 6 failures running the tests though, as
File "/home/vagrant/mailman/src/mailman/model/docs/users.rst", line 172, in users.rst
Failed example:
    user_2.preferred_address = anne
Differences (ndiff with -expected +actual):
      Traceback (most recent call last):
    - ...
    - UnverifiedAddressError: Anne Person <a...@example.com>
    +   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/doctest.py", line 1248, in __run
    +     compileflags, 1) in test.globs
    +   File "<doctest users.rst[41]>", line 1, in <module>
    +     user_2.preferred_address = anne
+ File "/home/vagrant/mailman/src/mailman/model/user.py", line 112, in preferred_address
    +     raise UnverifiedAddressError(address)
    + UnverifiedAddressError: <unprintable UnverifiedAddressError object>

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