I think that we are advocating the same approach.
Your example is better tailored to actual MM resources and can be substituted 
for the one that I referenced.
Note: I am "speaking" conceptually. The actual hard design of the details would 
be the scope of work for a GSoC project.
The easiest way to present all of the details is to actually create a reference 
implementation. :)

On Apr 27, 2013, at 3:21 AM, Xu Wang <xuw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Here is an example of what it might look like for "user" resource returned
> by the api (without any auth):
> curl http://localhost:5000/api/v1/users/517b5560f84a4b13d239fc59/
> HTTP/1.0 200 OK
> Content-Type: application/json
> Content-Length: 1232
> Cache-Control: max-age=20,must-revalidate
> Expires: Sat, 27 Apr 2013 08:07:04 GMT
> ETag: 8252e88a72eea8fd4c93aa57435a3857f618d5d1
> Last-Modified: Sat, 27 Apr 2013 04:34:40 UTC
> Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2013 08:03:44 GMT
> {
>    "_id": "517b5560f84a4b13d239fc59",
>    "_links": {
>        "collection": {
>            "href": "localhost:5000/api/v1/users/",
>            "title": "users"
>        },
>        "parent": {
>            "href": "localhost:5000/api/v1",
>            "title": "home"
>        },
>        "self": {
>            "href":
> "localhost:5000/api/v1/users/517b5560f84a4b13d239fc59/",
>            "title": "user"
>        }
>    },
>    "created": "Sat, 27 Apr 2013 04:34:40 UTC",
>    "email": "swesg...@baqlwrzxqfjpofpy.nl",
>    "firstname": "wtegrglnub",
>    "lastname": "bjsbvjrn",
>    "roles": "level_3",
>    "subscriptions": [
>        {
>            "href":
> "localhost:5000/api/v1/mlists/517b5560f84a4b13d239fc56/",
>            "options": {
>                "option_0": "qifqk",
>                "option_1": "qyqyx",
>                "option_2": "dirkf",
>                "option_3": "yjrtv",
>                "option_4": "mljew"
>            },
>            "ref": "517b5560f84a4b13d239fc56",
>            "title": "mailing list"
>        },
>        {
>            "href":
> "localhost:5000/api/v1/mlists/517b5560f84a4b13d239fc58/",
>            "options": {
>                "option_0": "aixqy",
>                "option_1": "triwy",
>                "option_2": "aponq",
>                "option_3": "xmorj",
>                "option_4": "szmig"
>            },
>            "ref": "517b5560f84a4b13d239fc58",
>            "title": "mailing list"
>        },
>        {
>            "href":
> "localhost:5000/api/v1/mlists/517b5560f84a4b13d239fc54/",
>            "options": {
>                "option_0": "ltops",
>                "option_1": "bojfl",
>                "option_2": "qjsyl",
>                "option_3": "ndtof",
>                "option_4": "diass"
>            },
>            "ref": "517b5560f84a4b13d239fc54",
>            "title": "mailing list"
>        }
>    ],
>    "updated": "Sat, 27 Apr 2013 04:34:40 UTC"
> }
> and let's follow the last of mailing list link in the users.subscriptions:
> $ curl -i 'localhost:5000/api/v1/mlists/517b5560f84a4b13d239fc54/'
> HTTP/1.0 200 OK
> Content-Type: application/json
> Content-Length: 711
> Cache-Control: max-age=20,must-revalidate
> Expires: Sat, 27 Apr 2013 08:05:00 GMT
> ETag: eea6cfa4fc6311a1ea3c5c4189597ab962369d34
> Last-Modified: Sat, 27 Apr 2013 04:34:40 UTC
> Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2013 08:04:40 GMT
> {
>    "_id": "517b5560f84a4b13d239fc54",
>    "_links": {
>        "collection": {
>            "href": "localhost:5000/api/v1/mlists/",
>            "title": "mlists"
>        },
>        "parent": {
>            "href": "localhost:5000/api/v1",
>            "title": "home"
>        },
>        "self": {
>            "href":
> "localhost:5000/api/v1/mlists/517b5560f84a4b13d239fc54/",
>            "title": "mailing list"
>        }
>    },
>    "address": "auxri...@rdrfzfmvluylkegy.ca",
>    "created": "Sat, 27 Apr 2013 04:34:40 UTC",
>    "description":
> "krtejcbwmedzftdvjwagmbqkkiajubnzezxstahexvkrjncecdwsyfjlbobgjuxevwgflxlnemqtqcjz",
>    "option": {
>        "option_0": "vwmum"
>    },
>    "owners": [
>        {
>            "href":
> "localhost:5000/api/v1/users/517b5560f84a4b13d239fc59/",
>            "name": "wtegrglnub bjsbvjrn",
>            "ref": "517b5560f84a4b13d239fc59",
>            "title": "user"
>        }
>    ],
>    "updated": "Sat, 27 Apr 2013 04:34:40 UTC"
> }
> On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 1:00 AM, Xu Wang <xuw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Here is my take on the basic system requirements and design issues:
>> System Components:
>>   * A RESTful 
>> API<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer#RESTful_web_APIs>
>>  -
>> a mini-server that servers restful calls.
>>   * A persistent store - a schemaless or relaxed datasource, e.g. Mongodb
>>   * An authn/authz service to support api authn/authz and account
>> management
>>       options for authn:
>>            - no auth, open to localhost, off load the AC to clients.
>>            - base 
>> auth<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_access_authentication>,
>> username/pwd, requires https and minimum client effort.
>>            - HMAC 
>> auth<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash-based_message_authentication_code>,
>> requires clients to sign the requests with shared secrets, e.g. oauth1 and
>> AWS S3 auth. Needs out-of-band secretes and token management and
>> distribution.
>>       options for authz (privileges are http methods combined with
>> endpoint/scope):
>>            - role based, i.e. privileges are associated with role, work
>> with base auth.
>>            - owner based,  i.e. privileges are associated with user, work
>> with base auth.
>>            - token based, i.e. privileges are associated with token, see
>> OAuth <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OAuth> and HMAC 
>> auth<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash-based_message_authentication_code>
>> Resource/Data model servered by API:
>>    * TBD,  means data model changes "as-we-go".
>>       A few initial data type should be given as a start point, or as
>> examples:
>>             - users
>>             - mailing_lists
>>             - subscriptions
>>             - user_profiles
>>             - accounts
>>             etc.
>>    * data presentation should be 
>> HATEOAS<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HATEOAS>
>> enabled.
>>    * content-type, applicaion/json, xml, html, etc.
>>    * etag should be used to support caching control and concurrency
>> control.
>>    * each resource servered by the api may have a simple validation
>> schema, i.e. in some sort of DSL.
>> Implementation Consideration:
>>    * Small footprint.
>>    * The API mechanism should decoupled with the resource data model to
>> allow maximum flexibility.
>>    * Due to the decoupling of API and the resource data model, the API
>> may only have limited support  for advanced or customized quires.
>>    * It is a "garbage-in, garbage-out" service, i.e. no or minmum data
>> manipulation by the service. E.g. if you post in a clear texted password
>> with user's data, it will stay clear in the database, and return back as
>> plain text when someone gets.
>>    * Service oriented, i.e runs as an independent first-class service.
>>    * DRY, use other good open source packages whenever possible.
>>    * In Python :-)
>> Relations to other system components:
>>    * Open... and RESTful
>> On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 11:53 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull 
>> <step...@xemacs.org>wrote:
>>> Abhilash Raj writes:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I wrote a brief summary[1] of this thread.
>>> You've misinterpreted or mistyped a couple things I wrote:
>>> I'm not against OAuth in general, just against Mailman being an OAuth
>>> *provider*, or bundling one, because we can't support it properly.
>>> Users should get auth stuff from somebody whose primary interest is
>>> security stuff.
>>> When I write authentication and authorization should be avoided, I
>>> don't mean Mailman doesn't authenticate and authorize users.  I mean
>>> the implementation should be delegated to robust, well-tested modules
>>> or external applications (eg, Apache) whereever possible.
>>> The last quote needs to be fleshed out.  "This practice" refers to not
>>> exposing keys and other secrets to the whole application, including
>>> cooperating processes.  If authentication can be done in one place and
>>> an internal session or one-time authorization be granted, that's what
>>> should be done, rather than exposing user credentials to other parts
>>> of the application to do their own authentication and authorization.
>>> In making such a summary, I think it would be better to organize by
>>> topic.  Eg, a partial outline:
>>> REST API for extended user profiles
>>>  Authorization
>>>    Trusting local connections
>>>    HTTP Basic
>>>    OAuth
>>>    - Recommended for "outside world" [Florian]
>>>    - Advocates including an OAuth provider as a non-default,
>>>      experts-only option [Florian]
>>>    - Opposes bundling an OAuth provider [Stephen]
>>>    - OAuth necessary?  Why isn't HTTPS + Basic Auth good enough for
>>>      now? [Stephen]
>>>    - Don't need an OAuth provider to share authorizations (in fact,
>>>      at least in OAuth 2.0, providers don't provide sharing at all)
>>>      [Stephen]
>>>    - Implementing OAuth provider doesn't provide the benefits of
>>>      OAuth (ie, add an OAuth provider means users have yet another
>>>      set of credentials to manage) [Stephen]
>>>    - OAuth architecture = provider + client + consumer [Richard]
>>>    - Agrees to Mailman as OAuth consumer, not provider [Richard]
>>>    - OAuth may be overengineering, at first [Barry]
>>>  Database schemas
>>>  Database implementations
>>>  Wire Protocol
>>> etc...
>>> Also, in that format it's easy to reorganize:
>>> REST API for extended user profiles
>>>  Authorization
>>>    Trusting local connections
>>>    HTTP Basic
>>>    OAuth
>>>    - OAuth architecture = provider + client + consumer [Richard]
>>>    - Use client in Mailman?
>>>      - Recommended for "outside world" [Florian]
>>>      - Agrees to Mailman as OAuth consumer, not provider [Richard]
>>>      - OAuth necessary?  Why isn't HTTPS + Basic Auth good enough for
>>>        now? [Stephen]
>>>      - OAuth may be overengineering, at first [Barry]
>>>    - Use provider in Mailman?
>>>      - Advocates including an OAuth provider as a non-default,
>>>        experts-only option [Florian]
>>>      - Opposes bundling an OAuth provider [Stephen, Richard]
>>>      - Implementing OAuth provider doesn't provide the benefits of
>>>        OAuth (ie, add an OAuth provider means users have yet another
>>>        set of credentials to manage) [Stephen]
>>>      - Don't need an OAuth provider to share authorizations (in fact,
>>>        at least in OAuth 2.0, providers don't provide sharing at all)
>>>        [Stephen]
>>>  Database schemas
>>>  Database implementations
>>>  Wire Protocol
>>> etc...
>>> By the way, don't go out of your way to reorganize what you've already
>>> done, except as it's useful to you.  Gradually improve it as it helps
>>> you to recall discussion.
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