On Apr 28, 2013, at 11:59 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull <step...@xemacs.org> wrote:

> Richard Wackerbarth writes:
> My point is that IMHO it's flexible *enough*.
>> I'm advocating that we attach the roles (whatever they may be) to
>> an entire collection of lists.
> I know what you're advocating, and I agree with the general theory of
> constructing for flexibility.  I just don't see a need for it.

One point that I had overlooked is that you have already acknowledged an 
additional "layer" between "domain" and "list".
So you have at least three layers. Do you really think that it is more 
difficult to implement a general recursive tree than it is to implement those 

Another case for generality is permissions. I don't propose to know all of the 
parameters that will be associated with a list. In fact, I am sure that they 
will change over time.  There has already been expressed a desire to have 
plug-in extensions (which might add some additional parameters of their own). 
However, from the view of the admin UI, all parameters share the common 
characteristic that they either can, or cannot, be altered by the <role>. Using 
the generic abstraction that every parameter is a case of the Parameter class, 
and subclassing that to provide commonly seen variations (for example, 
"boolean") allows us implement a flexible structure that does not require 
handler recoding as the set of parameters changes.
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