On Jun 16, 2013, at 03:42 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

>Barry Warsaw writes:
> > I know this is a little backwards, but it's probably the best match
> > for the current rule/chain model.
>I have a smallish problem with this model.  Specifically, for a list
>with a maximum size, I think it's probably desirable to do any MIME
>part stripping *before* the size test.  But this doesn't fit the
>chain(s) -> pipeline model AFAICS.  I suspect there are probably other
>such cases where a bit of preprocessing would be useful, in particular
>if we implement a reencryption facility as Abhilash originally

It's a valid complaint.  What I've suggested in the past is that a rule can do
some *nondestructive* processing of a message before it makes its decision.
The rule would either throw out the results of the processing (possibly
leading to duplication of work) or would cache the results, e.g. in the
metadata dictionary (possibly leading to a rather large pickle/in-memory

It's not great, but I still like the separation of concerns and the general
concept that rules don't modify the message.  To do otherwise introduces
ordering dependency on the rules, which I really want to avoid.  Ordering
dependency on handlers can't be helped I think.

I'm certainly open to ideas here, especially if this becomes more prevalent.


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