On Saturday 27. July 2013 02.23.41 Mark Sapiro wrote:
> I'm only one data point, but pretty much the only thing I use the
> dashboard for is seeing the recently updated pages, both to see what's
> going on and check for spam. I'm perfectly happy with Moin's
> RecentChanges page for this.

Right. It might be nice to have a per-user RecentChanges macro showing only a 
particular user's edits, and I've been meaning to look into this for a while, 


> Cool on the comments support.
> On the ACLs, are you assuming acl_hierarchic is True or are you just
> duplicating the parent page's ACL?

I actually set an ACL that lets only the author of the comment edit the 
comment subpage. This obviously doesn't let others add replies to an 
individual comment, however, so maybe a more sophisticated approach is 

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