On Sep 12, 2013, at 10:44 PM, Franck Martin wrote:

>Unfortunately some list admins cannot edit mm_cfg.py (like CPANEL type
>install), therefore it would be nice to remove ALLOW_AUTHOR_IS_LIST or set it
>to Yes by default to let the list admin decide how he/she wants the list to
>behave. Otherwise the list admin needs to contact the mailman admin to enable
>this config.
>Please indicates if you are ok to set ALLOW_AUTHOR_IS_LIST to Yes or remove
>this option from mm_cfg.py

I will leave it to Mark for final decision on this, but my own opinion is that
the mm_cfg.py option should stay.  cPanel already customizes their Mailman
installation, so I think they should set it to Yes when they upgrade their
systems to 2.1.16.

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