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Hi everyone,

some project suggestions for this year's GSoC:

1. A continuous integration tool for the Mailman suite.

Mailman 3 is based on 4 different packages which are developed
somewhat independently: The Mailman core, Postorius, Hyperkitty and
mailman.client. It's not always guaranteed that these components still
play nicely with each other after a new commit.

It would be very useful to have some mechanism that runs a series of
tests to make sure everything's not fundamentally breaking. This could
be everything from a command line based tool to a full-fledged
integration into something like Jenkins.

2. A responsive ui for Postorius

In 2014 a web ui should be equally usable on a desktop computer as on
a phone. Nowadays the CSS mechanisms needed to use the same HTML for
different devices are pretty well supported across browsers. I'd love
to be able to use Postorius (and Hyperkitty!) on my phone without
constant zooming.

3. Various Python 3 ports

The goal for the Mailman core is to support Python 3 in the near
future, so Postorius/Hyperkitty/mailman.client might be ported as well
(probably supporting both 2.6+ *and* 3.3+ in order to not frustrate
folks who use additional Django apps that haven't been ported yet).
Not sure if this should be one single GSoC project or one for each

4. Postorius: Improve the test suite

Currently Postorius' test suite consists mostly of unit-tests, using
nose as the test runner. The test coverage could definitely be
improved. It might also be nice to add some doctests as a developer
This project could also feature some interface/navigation testing,
using Selenium, casperJS or similar.

In addition to these there are a number of project ideas that didn't
get picked last year:


My personal favourites:

- - Migration Scripts from MM 2.1 to MM 3
- - Design interface "themes" for specific types of list
- - Enhance List Style Capabilities
- - Full anonymization (obfuscating sender addresses)
- - No-logging mode
- - Log monitor

Any comments or (even better) more ideas?

I am planning to complete the ideas page by the end of the week
(probably over the weekend), so I can submit our GSoC application on
Monday or Tuesday... Of course we can theoretically add more after the
deadline, but since the ideas page is the most important ingredient of
the application, it would be *a lot* better if we had all projects on
it before Friday 14.


On 01/09/2014 08:28 AM, Terri Oda wrote:
> I've had prospective Google Summer of Code students emailing me
> since, uh, September or so... so I guess it's time to talk ideas!
> I've set up a wiki page, as usual:
> http://wiki.list.org/display/DEV/Google+Summer+of+Code+2014
> But let's start with here: what small projects would you like to
> see us sponsor this year?  I think we'll need to be more selective
> about the final list, but let's start with some brainstorming!
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