On Jul 16, 2014, at 08:20 AM, 'ML mail' via barry wrote:

>Thanks for the details but actually I was now only asking in which table are
>stored the e-mail addresses of a mailing's list subscribers? I thought they
>would be stored in the "user" table but I can't see any e-mail addresses
>there, neither in the member table.

Correct.  It's useful to understand the model.


Users have an id and a display name.  Addresses are separate objects linked to
at most one user.  A user can be linked to many addresses.  Members associate
an address/user with a mailing list[*] under a specific role.  Rosters are
"magical" objects which perform queries to answer questions like "all the
regular delivery members of a mailing list" or "all of the list's moderators".

So the information you're looking for isn't captured in a single table.
You'll have to do a query to get the email addresses of a mailing list's
subscribers.  Take a look at the roster implementations for details.


[*] A member links a user only if that user has a preferred address.
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