Well I read the discussion thread.  I had no idea so much previous thinking had 
gone into this.  Funny that there was so much discussion but no-one has really 
chimed in with an opinion about how I’ve built the authentication proxy - maybe 
everyone’s gun-shy. :-)

The only unresolved question for me coming out of all that is “where is it 
specified which users have access rights to carry out functions at a higher 
level than the list?”

It appears that such information is not part of the Mailman core user data 
model and needs to be handled outside Mailman core i.e. at the application 

Personally I’d store such user information inside the Mailman core data model. 
Things start to look weird when application X has a different mechanism for 
deciding who can do admin tasks to application Y.  Maintaining such info 
outside the core also calls for user database synchronisation which would be 
good to avoid. But I don’t really mind I’m just trying to get a secure way of 
deciding which users to allow to do higher-than-list-level functions.

My options are:

1: eliminate public access to all functions that operate higher than list level
2: bake my own additional level of user authentication that defines which users 
have higher level access rights.
3: find a cheat/workaround to store arbitrary keys against users (this my 
preferred solution)
4: something else

Option 1 drastically reduces the usefulness of the interface if only list level 
functions can be executed. Not ideal.
Option 2 I would prefer to avoid - my authentication proxy doesn’t actually 
know much about Mailman at an application level - all it does is authorise and 
authenticate and pass through requests to Mailman if the user is allowed to do 
it, and reject them if not.
Option 3: find some sort of cheat/workaround - preferablyt a way to store 
additional user information in a user profile field which allows storage of 
arbitrary keys.  Then I could stash some access control information in there 
that tells me that user X or user Y has some higher level access control. This 
would have to be do-able via the Mailman REST interface cause it’s the only way 
that I talk to the system. The ability to store arbitrary key/value information 
against a user would be the ideal outcome at this stage.
Option 4: - other ideas?

Does anyone know if there is a way to do Option 3 currently?


On 25 Jan 2015, at 7:37 am, Terri Oda <te...@toybox.ca> wrote:

On 2015-01-24, 5:08 AM, Andrew Stuart wrote:
>>>> you can look back in the archives to the huge discussion we had about 
>>>> unifying the user data store..
> Is there search to find that discussion or do I have to manually review all 
> the threads? Any idea what year it was in?

The data store discussion was I think two years ago around the time of pycon.  
I started it with a thread entitled "Architecture for extra profile info"


(As Sumana says, mail-archive is usually the best bet for searching the mailman 
archives.  I searched locally, though.)

But I'm serious that it's only worth reading if you're incredibly bored.  It 
became a huge architecture discussion that only ended on the lists with an 
"agree to disagree." (and I got bombarded with further comments about it on IRC 
for months after the list discussion ended, so I'm actually kind of still 
cranky about it.)

I think it's still a thing we need to look in to more seriously, but be warned 
that it's a topic folk have been passionate about in the past, to the point 
where progress was not made.  On the other hand, one of the people involved in 
that discussion has moved on to other things and the rest of us do 
collaborative work together more frequently, so it might be easier to reach a 
solution now.


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