Hi, Does the following approach for auto moderation sound fine or am I on
the wrong path ?

I think we neet to make changes in handler to_outgoing.py in method process.
1) We need to make two databases :
Table1 Schema->  [ user_id | Thread name | list_id | count |
last_msg_posted_at ]
user_id, list_id, Thread name together act as primary key.
It stores the count of number of posts of a user on a particular thread
and the time corresponding to the last post.
Table2 Schema->
[message_id | user_id |Thread name| list_id |don't_post_before_time] here,
where, "d" will be delay set by list-admin, eg 3 hrs.

2) The count variable is accessed from Table1.

3) When process is called and a new message entry comes:
   a) case 1: It is the first post by user on that thread then we create a
new entry in Table1 with count 1 and last_msg_posted_at_time = posting
time of that message. Then the corresponding entry is made in Table2
with new count and calculated don't_post_before_time.
      case 2: It is not the first post implies there is already an entry
in Table1 then we increase its count by 1 and we calculate
don't_post_before_time using count and last_msg_posted_at_time.
After making the corresponding entry in Table2 using values just
calculated we update last_msg_posted_at_time in Table1 with the value of
don't_post_before_time of this entry
b)Now we iterate over all entries in Table2 and whoever has
don't_post_before_time < current_time we remove the corresponding entry
form Table2 and enqueue it in outgoing queue else it stays in the

Suppose, "a...@gmail.com" sends 9 messages to a list "f...@foo.com" on the
thread "Questions",the last being sent at 4:00pm, then Table1 will look
[a...@gmail.com | Questions| f...@foo.com | 9 | 4:00pm]
Now, if the 10th msg comes,from this database, we will retrieve the
"last_msg_posted_at" before updating the tuple for the 10th msg and will
dont_post_it_before=last_msg_posted_at+(count/10)*d = 7:00pm, now the
last_msg_posted_at field in the first database will be updated and will be
equal to dont_post_it_before,  and these details will be used to create an
entry in Table2 database too.
Table1 will look like [a...@gmail.com | Questions| f...@foo.com | 10 | 7:00pm]
Table2 will look like [xyz | a...@gmail.com | Questions| f...@foo.com | 7:00pm]
Now we iterate over all entries and enqueue all that have
don't_post_before_time < current_time.
Remaining entries stay in the database and will be checked the next time
process is called.

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