I saw on the MOSS list that the proposal deadline is about 3 days away.

If no one thinks it's objectionable, I could suggest putting in a proposal to 
pay for testing, bug triage work, i18n work (choosing a new platform and 
porting our translation effort to a new platform), and similar project 
management work. I have just started a FLOSS project management consulting firm 
http://changeset.nyc and could do this work. I am trying to limit my 
suggestions here to stuff that's backlogged and that volunteers don't have 
enough time + interest to do in the next 3 months.


On Wed Oct 28 03:01:53 2015 GMT-0400, Abhilash Raj wrote:
> On 10/27/2015 09:30 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> > Barry Warsaw writes:
> > 
> >  > What would *we* like to do that we can't do because of resources?
> > 
> > That's where I'm blocked.  I can't honestly put myself up as a
> > money-sink: I wouldn't mind getting paid for my effort, but I wouldn't
> > put in any less effort just because I'm unpaid. ;-)
> > 
> > Hm ... maybe generalizing Andrew's authn/authz stuff?  Mozilla would
> > probably like improved Persona support?  Andrew would be good for that
> > and ISTR he's a freelancer.
> > 
> > I wouldn't mind compensating a student even if she/he would do the
> > work for free anyway.  But except for Abhilash, I can't recommend any
> > recent student for a project I think is valuable enough to request
> > such resources without at the same time volunteering to mentor
> > intensively.  Not enough experience, and the project I have in mind is
> > not an extension of any GSoC project.  And I can't really volunteer at
> > this point.
> > 
> > As for Abhilash himself, I think he should concentrate on his graduate
> > studies.  There's no problem with him volunteering the occasional
> > half-day to Mailman, but I've seen far too many students seriously
> > hindered in getting the most out of their graduate study by committing
> > to consulting work.  I won't oppose him if he wants to do something,
> > but I won't nominate him.
> I doubt I would be able to actually do a contract work at all, even if I
> wanted to, due to F-1 Visa regulations. Not for next 8 months at least.
> And I have too much in my plate right now, grad school keep me busy! But
> I can spend some time to mentor/help someone else as a volunteer for
> whichever project we choose.
>   (@Abhilash: If you decide to apply against
> > my advice, it's just advice.  I'll be happy to support you to the
> > extent I can in your Mailman work or your graduate study, whatever you
> > want to do -- though I suspect I'd be useless in the latter role. ;-)
> (off the topic: Prof, I would like to talk to you sometime for some
> advice about studies :)
> > 
> > If somebody else is willing to mentor *my* suggestions: there are a
> > couple of new proposals for DMARC mitigation out there.  I would be
> > willing to evaluate them (in the remaining hours) for use in Mailman.
> > Why "evaluate"?  As most of you probably know, message signing and
> > signature validation are normally considered MTA functions, and
> > Mailman needn't/shouldn't try to duplicate that functionality.
> > However, with experimental protocols, of course they won't be in
> > production MTAs for a while, so it *might* be worthwhile to offer
> > support in Mailman as a spur/temporary workaround while the MTAs
> > implement the new protocols.
> Again off the topic: I recently came to know (from my Advisor) that my
> implementation of Digital signatures in mailman can be improved by
> implementing algorithms where the server does not actually decrypts the
> email, just transforms it so that the recipients can decrypt that. I
> don't have the details, but I am gonna explore more in that front soon.
> > 
> > I don't (yet) have a developer to recommend, though.
> > 
> > Steve
> > 
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> -- 
> thanks,
> Abhilash Raj

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