Glad to hear that!

Keep us informed about what you're doing, and also any problems you
have even if you can resolve them yourself.  We want the experience
for non-developer users to be as smooth as possible.


Anirudh Dahiya writes:
 > Hello
 > I was building Mailman 3.
 > The server is behind a proxy.
 > I was using Django 1.9.1 .
 > After fixing my /etc/environment file to set the correct proxy thing the
 > 403 Forbidden error was resolved well.
 > Another thing I faced was the unsuported keyword used in django
 > render_to_string(template,context_instance=final_context) method. I
 > manually changed it to replace just the context_instance part with
 > context=final_context(checked django docs for that) and things worked out
 > fine after that. Its finally working now. I hope I can start contributing
 > soon!
 > Thanks for the guidance
 > Anirudh
 > On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 7:36 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull <>
 > wrote:
 > > This -- "Python Version: 2.7.9" is also a problem for recent Mailman 3
 > > (since 3.1 IIRC) -- Mailman 3 is only supported on Python 3.  I guess
 > > this is Postorius and it's still OK for 2.7 (upgrading to the most
 > > recent Python 2 version, which I believe is 2.7.11, is probably a good
 > > idea, as there were security issues in 2.7.9 and 2.7.10).
 > >
 > > I would guess that your proxy simply isn't permitted to access the
 > > REST port by the server.  Check firewall settings and try a simple
 > > client such as wget or curl from the Mailman host.  If you get the
 > > same result (ie, 403 Forbidden) with those clients, then you're going
 > > to need to talk to your local administrators about how to configure
 > > the firewall to permit Postorius to talk to Mailman.
 > >
 > > Steve
 > >
 > >
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