... especially to Florian, who seems to be on his way to becoming
MGOAFL (Mailman GSoC Org Admin For Life)[1].  And of course Barry (who
has a real -FL title!), and the mentors.

All that goes without saying, sort of, but I'd also like to mention
all the folks who have been following this list and occasionally
posting a comment or suggestion.  Another special thanks to several
folks who haven't signed up as mentors (yet! we can always use
more[2]) but have offered various kinds of advice.

And congratulations to Systers.  We'll be cooperating with the Systers
again this year, both for the dlist project Barry mentioned (good to
see you back, Pranjal!) and they have some stuff they're doing with
statistics dashboard for admins (subscriptions, unsubscriptions,
posts, etc.)

Comments on the GSoC ideas page (and more ideas!):


are still very welcome.


[1]  Don't worry, Florian!  Eventually Google will kick us out. ;-)

[2]  You don't have to be particularly expert at anything, we'll make
sure that every student has a mentor technically proficient in the
project area.  As a co-mentor, you just need a strong desire to see
your intern grow, and to help them do that.  You choose how to do it!

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