On Mar 05, 2016, at 12:50 PM, Abhilash Raj wrote:

>Hi Amil,
>On 03/05/2016 03:22 AM, amil shanaka wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm a 3rd year under graduate in the department of Computer Science and
>> Engineering at University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
>> I tried to connect with mailing list in Mainman but it doesn't work.
>> I did my Internship In WSO2 Message Broker Team. so i learned  about
>> MQTT(with netty) and AMQP protocols about how message broker work with
>> sub/pub with topic,durable topics and also i did a research about off-heap
>> implementation for mb.
>> So I want to know more details regarding* Message queue based email
>> archiver *Project which i can proceed through.  
>Right now, Mailman sends each email it receives to the (enabled)
>Archivers through a POST request. We want to have a pub/sub kind of
>model for the emails as well as some of the events that other archivers
>or apps built on top of mailman can consume. Events like ListCreated,
>ListRemoved or something like that.
>The above is just a very basic idea of what we want. You need to focus
>your application around how we can do this. Florian and Aurelien would
>be able to help you better if you come up with some ideas. You might
>want to go through the current codebase for Mailman, looking for the
>parts of code that are concerned with Archivers. A general idea about
>the complete architecture would also be a good idea.
>There are several design documentation about the architecture of Mailman
>3 core. You can find article in the mailman3 docs, there is a chapter in
>Architecture of Open Source Applications book v2 and also there is a
>talk that Barry gave in PyCon 2012.
>Just as a reminder, you need to submit atleast one merge request fixing
>any of the issues mentioned in the bug tracker of any mailman projects.
>Let us know if you have more questions.
>> Please Refer My LinkedIn: (amil shanaka
>> <https://lk.linkedin.com/in/amilshanaka>) for more detail about me and the
>> projects I've done so far.
>> Hope you will help me with this.
>> Thanks,
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