On Mar 21, 2016, at 03:47 AM, Anirudh Dahiya wrote:

>1. Reliability - Currently, as I see, the messages are archived in
>Hyperkitty via a simple POST request, but in the event of some failure(like
>hk server being down for a while), there is no way the message is being
>tried to be archived again. Thus are we aiming to add some reliability to
>the system via the message queue systems?

I think that's correct.  Currently if we can't deliver to HK, the message
doesn't even get shunted.

>Apart from this and extensibility, what all advanteges are we looking
>forward to as a result of this project?

I think part of it should also be a more robust distributed architecture.  We
do have some separation now because submitting to HK is a POST, but it still
requires a localhost connection (for security purposes).

>2. Should I add/mention the potential scope for adding mailman events (like
>list creation etc) to our archivers?

Probably so.

>3. Am I supposed to alter Hyperkitty(as what seems to be mentioned in the
>project description) or should the basic scope of the project stay about
>building the pub/sub or message queue interface(as what seems to be mentioned
>by some of our conversations on irc)

That's up to Aurelien I think.  The model of the HK plugin is a good one to
follow though because the pub/sub doesn't necessarily need to be part of Core.

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