Hello developers!

As soon as the latest CI passes, I am going to merge a massive code clean up
branch to the core's master branch.  This integrates flake8 (pyflakes + pep8)
static analysis, with a few local customizations.


One of the most important checks is a customization to enforce our GNU Mailman
import style rules, which are codified in the style guide:


This branch also updates that style guide.

This merge will cause some churn and if you have merge proposals currently in
the queue, it's very possible there will be conflicts.  To the extent that you
can rebase and push updates, that would be appreciated, but I will not require
it as I continue to review outstanding merge proposals.  I apologize for any
disruption, but with GSoC coming, I want to be sure that to the extent
possible, CI will early detect simple style guide violations.  That way,
reviews can focus more on the actual interesting bits rather than the boring

This branch also bandaids over the problem with the newest Falcon by pinning
that package's version to < 1.0.  Issue #20 will address a more long-term
fix.  I plan on releasing core 3.0.3 very soon which will have this fix

There are a few other minor code modernizations, and a local implementation of
the idea expressed in this Python bug:


It's been quite the eye-opener to see all the little violations that have
crept into the code, but everything will be better now <wink>.


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