Abhilash Raj writes:
 > + Mailman Developers, since this seems like a general discussion topic.
 > On Thu, Aug 8, 2019, at 2:01 AM, Mike Gabriel wrote:
 > > Hi Abhilash,
 > > 
 > > I just looked into the two recent merges from Daniel on mailman's  
 > > master branch.
 > > 
 > > I noticed that you squashed the MR branch commits into one commit  
 > > before the merge and that this one commit uses the latest commit  
 > > messages of the MR branch to describe what the squashed commits do.  
 > > Unfortunately, that commit messages does not appropriately describe  
 > > what the commit in fact does.

I seem to recall that somebody (one of the VCSes? one of the web repo
hosting services?) has a system that squashes the commits and
concatenates all the log messages for the merged branch.  Perhaps
gitlab has an option to do this?


Associate Professor              Division of Policy and Planning Science
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