
This whole thread is off-topic for the developers list.  This list is
for development of Mailman, not for teaching people to use it.  Read
the whole recommended documentation before you ask busy developers to
tutor you in very basic things.  There's a
list for users to help each other.  All of the Mailman developers who
might be willing to answer your questions are there as well, but there
are also many experienced users, some of whom have experimented with
the REST API who will also help.  Please reply there for further
help.  (Reply-To is set.)

That said, there are plenty of URLs in the API documentation.  Here's
a hint: search for "dump_json".  That function takes an URL.  You may
want https: instead of http: in your URLs, and you may need to change
the port from 9001, depending on the configuration of your REST
server.  Try it with simple GET requests for information first, such
as for domains or lists.  You can also do these requests with an
ordinary web browser, though I don't know what it will do with the
JSON-formatted reply.

If you don't have domains and lists configured, I suppose the
informational requests will come back as empty JSON objects.  It
should be safe to make them.  You can either use Postorius to
bootstrap a few example domains, lists, and users, or (the hard way)
figure out how to POST appropriate requests.  I don't recommend trying
to update the backend DBMS by hand; the schema is quite complicated.
I don't know how to use curl to update Mailman's databases.  That
requires a POST request which I have never done with curl.  The POST
request needs to be valid JSON.

The more I think about this, the less I think your idea of using curl
is worthwhile, because formatting JSON requests by hand is going to be
a real annoyance and a great way to mess up your database with
spurious information.  You're really going to want programmatic
support for this.  But that's already all available in Python in the
Mailman system.

It's up to you, but I feel a responsibility to warn you that using
curl is not going to be simpler than learning enough Python to do
these things.
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