That's what it seemed to me that J.B. was expressing... that the entire message thread would be repeated in each response.

However, "blindly quoting the entire message" is the default with many email tools (other than the few that scrub everything but the text immediately below the respondee's signature). Click *Reply* and that's what you get... and that would be the same whether you top-post or bottom-post. I try to be very conscious of it and trim whatever's not necessary but I sometimes forget as well.

I'll leave the discussion now... I've seen these top-post/bottom-post flame wars in the past. It's just like the toilet paper top/bottom argument. There is no *right way* to do it. It's all a matter of preference with good arguments on both sides.

Best Regards,

Mike Starr, Writer
Technical Writer   -    Online Help Developer   -   WordPress Websites
Graphic Designer - Desktop Publisher - Custom Microsoft Word templates
(262) 694-1028   -   -
President - Working Writers of Wisconsin

On 4/2/2015 2:57 PM, Tanstaafl wrote:
This would only happen if you blindly quoted the entire message.

Not ONE 'bottom poster' (inline is more correct term) would EVER suggest
doing that, but I do know more than one top-poster who refuses to
acknowledge this, and submits the same tired INVALID argument as a
reason to support their laziness.
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