Thanks, it seems to be sorted now. I does seem to have been to do with
one of the subscribers.
On 29/11/2022 18:54, Mark Sapiro wrote:
On 11/29/22 08:00, John Talbut wrote:
I am an administrator and moderator for a Mailman 2.1.18 list. Some
months ago I started getting frequent digests addressed to the
<list>-requests@<--> address. Why might this be happening and how can
I stop it?
Is <list>-requests@<--> a digest member of the list?
Are these messages sent directly to the <list>-requests@<--> address or
are they forwarded there from some other address?
I think the most likely explanation is some digest list subscriber has
some kind of autoresponder that is bouncing their received mail
including these digests back to the From: address of the message. If
this is the case, examination of the full Received: chain in the message
headers may possibly identify the subscriber. Otherwise, since digests
can't be personalized, it would be difficult to identify where they cone
from, but examination of the MTA logs if you have access may help.
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