
I work for XOR Inc., an Internet managed services provider.  We are
currently looking to increase our database with local people in the
Boulder/Denver area that have computer and Internet experience with all
levels of expertise to participate in our research studies.  As a
participant, you would be asked to give comments and feedback and you
will be paid for your valuable advice – compensation varies between
$50-$150, for only a 1-2 hour time commitment.

To register as a participant for a future study, please visit and complete the online registration
form.  All the information you provide will be kept strictly
confidential, as we DO NOT sell, trade, or give out this information.

Please feel free to share the URL with spouses, friends, and co-workers,
as we love to see new faces!!

If you should have questions about our company or our research, please
visit our corporate web site at or call (720) 406-4303 or
(720) 406-4194.

Thank you for your help!!!

User Experience Department
XOR Inc.

more info.doc

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