> I just discovered/downloaded/installed mailman yesterday, and am
> getting horrible performance with it, so I hope this is an easy one.
> Any mailman operation takes > 5 secs; even bin/list_lists takes 7
> secs.  Is it normal for it to take so long?  I use list_lists as an
> example because I want to leave the webserver out of the equation.
> My server machine is a 4-way K series with gobs of RAM, so hardware
> doesn't appear to be lacking.  Perhaps my copy of python is not
> optimally built?  Any help someone can offer would be appreciated.

Is your Mailman install on local disk or a networked filesystem?  I
have similar problems with an install over NFS and another over AFS,
presumably due to locking issues or something similar.

Running $prefix/bin/find_member is really fast the first time that it's
run, but future queries take around 30 seconds each.  Same with other
$prefix/bin commands.

This is on a dual Pentium III/800, 256MB RAM running Intel Linux (stock
RedHat 6.2/python install) on a 100MB switched network (the NFS server
is on the same subnet, but on the other install with AFS the server with
the mailman volume is on a different subnet).


Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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