On Wed, 7 Feb 2001 11:33:53 +0000 
CJoe  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hi all; I wonder whether it is possible to command mailman through
> "jobs" ... (ie through command lines and jobs sent via email). For
> instance, in case I want to

> - add 2000 users at once,

> - delete or put nomail 25 users,

> - search for a certain users or all of the users from a certain
> domain, etc.

Nope.  All such are fairly easy to do from the command line however.
Wrap your own procmail recipies about them if you really need amil

> - handles bounces by probing all of the addresses subscribed to
> the forum and may delete, "automatically" those whokeep bouncing
> after a certain number of days ...

Mailman does not probe.  Instead it actively watches for bounces of
list posts, and attempts to parse them and respond as configured in
that list's bounce settings (defeauls to setting to NOMAIL).

> - has implemented any type of both spam detection and filters ...

Nope, unless you could member posting rules or a requirement that a
post mush be explicitly addressed to the list.  I'd also argue that
spam handling is better done at the MTA level than the MLM.

J C Lawrence                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
---------(*)                          http://www.kanga.nu/~claw/
--=| A man is as sane as he is dangerous to his environment |=--

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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