>We have different definitions of "unreasonable".  I consider that
>not requiring your members to such is not only unreasonable, but
>foolhardy.  <shrug>  YMMV.

Having different definitions is fine.  I respect your opinion.  I'm also 
glad I don't follow all of the proposed standards on the net and force 
people to adhere to them.  That would translate to a large amount of 
changes, many for proposals that would never become standard.

It's like a boss I had.  He felt certain java workstations were going to be 
the next big thing, so he forced the replacement of hundreds of 
workstations across the company with Sun workstations at over 11k per 
desktop and 25k per laptop.  The justification was that java workstations 
would be around and operational much longer than standard pcs and that we'd 
be in the "sweet spot" of technology.

Boy was he wrong.  End users hated sun workstations and java workstations 
faded from the spotlight.  He wasted a lot of money and lost his job in the 

As you'd say, him forcing proposed standards before they became actual 
standards was foolhardy.


Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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