"Gregory K. Laughlin" wrote:
> Is there a way to remove the various URLs from the header of
> messages forwarded by lists?
> For example:
> List-Help: <mailto:list-request@domain?subject=help>
> List-Post: <mailto:list@domain>
> List-Subscribe: <https://domain/mailman/listinfo/list>,
>          <mailto:list-request@domain?subject=subscribe>
> List-Id: <list.domain>
> List-Unsubscribe: <https://domain/mailman/listinfo/list>,
>          <mailto:list-request@sdomain?subject=unsubscribe>
> List-Archive: <https://domain/pipermail/list/>

No.  These are standard headers, as standard as To:, From:, or Received:.
They belong in the mail.

> Otherwise, I will have no choice but to let seemingly administrative requests
> pass to the list to avoid having the approve messages sent to lists that
> have other lists subscribed.  Seems like a questionable solution.
> (Or I can use other list software of sendmail aliases for lists that are
> strictly lists of lists, but I would prefer using Mailman for all my lists,
> including umbrella lists.)

I don't know what the solution to this problem should be, but removing
those headers shouldn't be it.

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