At 09:06 AM 2001/03/21 -0500, you wrote:
>We are thinking of using mailman for our list management.  Can you send
>html messages with Mailman? Do you have to be a linux pro to use
>Mailman?  Are there any limitations to Mailman?

Hello Nancy,

Mailman, like most other mailing list managers, will send mail out as it is 
received. If someone sends an email with HTML, the message should get sent 
with HTML (unless you apply a filter to discard it).

The term "pro" is subjective, I think, but you should have someone who is 
well-versed enough with Linux to be able to install the product according 
to the instructions and be able to respond to various technical issues that 
come up. The more knowledge the person has of the environment, the better 
they'll be able to support Mailman.

There are limitations to every product, including Mailman (I'm still 
looking for piece of software that will function as expected and do my 
laundry, too ;-). There is a wish list on the Mailman website and that will 
indicate what niceties are not in the current release. If none of them are 
of great importance to you, Mailman may very well suit your needs.

- Kevin

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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