> How far does that go?  Should you be allowed to turn off the "To:"
> header if you want?  "Subject:"?  "Date:"? 

Actually maybe this points to a better approach....

First we purely implement a fixed version of our list header cooking - 
no if (this) then add (that).

Then late on in the processing pipeline we have a per-list configurable 
generic header stripper and adder with some form of basic 
programmability - ie basic regexp to select whether or not something is 
added/deleted, and the use of the mailman template variables.

This would allow people enough rope to completely hang themselves, and 
add a reasonably useful additional feature in.

It also means you don't need to add a bunch of extra buttons and 
configurability in for every header you might wish to add.

And if people are stupid enough to modify the mime-headers based on 
this scheme, well they deserve all they get.


[ Nigel Metheringham           [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
[ Phone: +44 1423 850000                         Fax +44 1423 858866 ]
[ - Comments in this message are my own and not ITO opinion/policy - ]

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