Hi Sharon,

To the best of my knowledge, Mailman is a Linux program. That means your
operating system has to be Linux, or at least based upon Linux, or at least be
able to pass for Linux in a dark alley on a moonless night. <grin>

It can/might run under MacOS X because if you look under the hood of X, it's
an awful lot like Linux. That is, at least partially, why it won't work on
earlier versions of MacOS, and won't work under Windows - those operating
systems have very little in common with the various Linux-based operating

FYI, it *will* run on a PC, if you're running Linux. It just won't work under
Windows. If you're brave, and you have a spare PC lying around, you can
install Linux and play around with it. If you have the patience and the
fundamental technical knowledge, it's actually a lot of fun. :-)

Of course, if you're just looking for an easy way to implement a mailing list,
and you're not an alpha geek or sysadmin type (I honestly don't have any idea
what your  level of technical expertise is, and I mean no insult, just
offering info), you might consider having your list hosted by a professional
organization who handles all the scary server and technical issues for you.

If that sounds attractive, check out http://www.topica.com (free, which is
certainly good for non-profit organizations) or http://www.egroups.com
(another pretty good list host, in my experience) or hit your favorite search
engine and look for mailing list hosting.

If you're really looking to host your own server with your own mailing list
program ... I'm not familiar with any reliable mailing list software for
Windows; that's why we went the Linux route. :-)


Sharon wrote:

> Have been investigating your program and was anxious to give it a try.
> Suddenly... a problem...is this really only for Mac users?  What about the
> rest of us?  Know of any programs comparable that I can use on a pc?
> Sharon in St. Louis
> bus + map tours to local quilt shops
> http://www.quilterstours.com
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-users

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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