Can anyone please explain why, after joining the Mailman Users mailing list,
I have been bombarded by dozens of emails that appear to orinate form
mailing lists at and and are addressed to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (not me !! My email appears in "Envelope to").

I also received over 4,000 (yes 4,000) bounced emails telling me that my
(not actually my but [EMAIL PROTECTED]) subscription to some mailing list
had failed.

This has wasted an entire day for me.

If you know what link there is between Mailman and or please let me know. How could the emails get mixed up like

I have now received mail from the Mailman Developers list addressed to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] which is why I am posting here. My emails to have gone unanswered and now I am desperate to stop this
unwanted bombardment of mail.

Is someone collecting email addresses from the Mailman mailing lists ???

Any help greatly appreciated, I only want to receive my own mail, and
getting dozens and dozens of misdirected mail on my sad English 56k
connection is killing my system.

Simon Troup

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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