On Mon, 2001-10-29 at 23:01, John W Baxter wrote:
> As I read config_list, it produces Python code which can be exec-ed in
> order to rebuild the list configuration.

Umm.. it looks to me as though config_list dumps some pythonish code
that can be read by config_list to set the list parameters *other* than
the membership roster.

dumpdb dumps the whole list state, but there is no corresponding restore
tool, and the format ends up being a little odd (there are 3 membership
lists - normal, digest and member options).

> My wish list item goes beyond that to include the membership, with the
> various status options for each member.  Some sort of extension of
> bin/list_members

Absolutely - the ability to dump the state into a text file and dicker
with it appeals to me greatly :-)

And the ability to take the snapshot and add the other membership data I
can derive from elsewhere and come up with a very current version would
be nice.


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