We're retiring the machine running majordomo, so I figure this is a good excuse to switch to Mailman.
I've built and installed and set up the 'test' list as suggested in the INSTALL file, but when I try accessing the web page, I get: Mailman CGI error!!! The expected gid of the Mailman CGI wrapper did not match the gid as set by the Web server. I have tried rebuilding it with a few different cgi-gid definitions, but still can't get past this. I created a cgi-bin script that does nothing but create a file and it shows: -rw------- 1 nobody daemon 0 Dec 18 14:59 /tmp/cgi confirming for me that the web server is running as group daemon, and I did a full reconfigure and rebuild of mailman with --with-cgi-gid=daemon but I still get this error. Is there some place I can see what GID it wants and what GID it is seeing? syslog shows: Mailman cgi-wrapper (admin): No such file or directory So is some file missing or is it the GID mismatch? What's a good way to debug this? Running Mailman 2.0.7 under Solaris 8 and Python 1.5.2. Thanks for any help. ------------------------------------------------------ Mailman-Users maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-users