I don't run courier with Mailman, but the problem seems common enough.  
Check your log files both for courier and Mailman (~mailman/logs/...)

The most common problem is getting the wrapper to run properly with your 
MTA (courier in your case).  What group ID does your courier install run 
as?  Part of mailman's install needs to know the GID so that when courier 
calls the wrapper program it allows it to be run. 

As a security measure, only processes with the GID of the MTA can run 
mailman's wrapper program.

Jon Carnes

On Tuesday 18 December 2001 18:46, Jonas Meurer wrote:
> Hello,
> Has anyone mailman running with courier as mailserver?
> On the server where I have to install mailman courier is used as
> mailserver. Are there any problems, or can I use it without troubles.
> I've installed mailman without troubles, and the webinterface works
> well. I also was able to make a new list, and I got a mail that I
> have a new list. And I was able to subscribe myself over the admins-
> webinterface. But I'm not able to send mail to the list. But I don't
> really know if the problem is at courier, dns or mailman.
> Has anyone mailman running with courier?
> Thanks
>   Jonas

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