I figured it all out....and actually it takes a some small amount of 
understanding of how python and the python-interpreter work.

When making ANY changes to ANY of the *.py files under mailman, you must 
delete the corresponding *.pyc (compiled py for faster processing 
through the python interpreter). Example, i modified the 
~/mailman/Mailman/mm_cfg.py and in order to re-read that module back 
into the python-interpreter again only this time read the new 
information modified in the .py do this:

/var/mailman/Mailman# python
Python 1.5.2 (#1, Jul  5 2001, 03:02:19)  [GCC 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat 
Linux 7.1 2 on linux-i386
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
 >>> import mm_cfg
 >>> (A CTRL-D exits the interpreter)

then an ls -la will show that the *.pyc has been created and that is the 
module currently in the python-interpreter's memory. Same applies with 
the ~/mailman/Mailman/Defaults.py and any others....when making changes, 
remove the old *.pyc and re-import into the python-interpreter to 
re-read the changes.


Michael B. Weiner, Linux+, Linux+ SME
Systems Administrator/Partner
The UserFriendly Network (UFN)
Linux Registered User #94900    Have you been counted? http://counter.li.org

PGP: 30 1D CC BA 30 30 63 35  CD 58 E0 89 A9 17 CC C0  8C 55 F7 72

.........    Escape the 'Gates' of Hell
  `:::'                  .......  ......
   :::  *                  `::.    ::'
   ::: .::  .:.::.  .:: .::  `::. :'
   :::  ::   ::  ::  ::  ::    :::.
   ::: .::. .::  ::.  `::::. .:'  ::.
...:::.....................::'   .::::..

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