On Sun, 30 Dec 2001, Justin Zygmont wrote:

> here is the output of bin/check_perms:
> Traceback (innermost last):
>   File "bin/check_perms", line 281, in ?
>     checkmail()
>   File "bin/check_perms", line 202, in checkmail
>     mode = statmode(wrapper)
>   File "bin/check_perms", line 74, in statmode
>     return os.stat(path)[ST_MODE]
> OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/mailman/mail/wrapper'

OK, THAT is a problem.  If wrapper isn't there, no mail
is going to be handled.

How did you install Mailman (pardon me if you mentioned it in
a previous post, I'm just catching up on my email)?  RPM?  From
source?  .deb?

> here's the last 10 lines of logs/smtp:
> Dec 30 03:37:02 2001 (32701) All recipients refused: host not found
> Dec 30 03:37:02 2001 (32701) smtp for 1 recips, completed in 0.071 seconds
> Dec 30 03:38:02 2001 (32704) All recipients refused: host not found
> Dec 30 03:38:02 2001 (32704) smtp for 1 recips, completed in 0.123 seconds
> Dec 30 03:38:02 2001 (32704) All recipients refused: host not found
> Dec 30 03:38:02 2001 (32704) smtp for 1 recips, completed in 0.072 seconds
> Dec 30 03:39:02 2001 (32717) All recipients refused: host not found
> Dec 30 03:39:02 2001 (32717) smtp for 1 recips, completed in 0.115 seconds
> Dec 30 03:39:03 2001 (32717) All recipients refused: host not found
> Dec 30 03:39:03 2001 (32717) smtp for 1 recips, completed in 0.073 seconds

It looks like your mailserver (or whatever host Mailman is
running on) can't resolve hostnames.  Check to make sure
your local host has both 'localhost' and 'your-FQDN' in
it's /etc/hosts file to be safe.

Also, make sure your MTA can resolve the hostname and domain
you subscribed yourself with.  It'll need to relay from
localhost (this can be a problem with QMail).


"The onions are irritating my buttocks."   - Sluggy Freelance

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