Yes, you can simply delete it manually from ~mailman/lists/.. and

Oddly enough, Mailman simply scans the subdirectories in ~mailman/lists/ and
queries the file config.db in the sub-dir for the name and properties of the
lists that it displays.  It does not have a central database of mailing
lists.  Each list is stand-alone.  This makes Mailman quite modular, which
is all-in-all a very good design.

Make sure that you have the Group SU-ID set for the ~mailman directory (and
for the ../lists subdirectory), and that the group owner is "mailman".  If
the cgi-script "listinfo" cannot read the subdirectories under
~mailman/lists then it will not display any as public.

Jon Carnes
----- Original Message -----
> Note below that the list name "Hinds calculus ii" does not match the error
> message echoed to screen output generated by "lynx
> The error message says "No such list hinds" (not "No such list Hinds
> calculus ii).  This might be related to the problem of not being able to
> delete the list.  Maybe lists
> with spaces in the name is causing some of the problems.
> As far as what I've tried to do to remove the list, the output below
> much speaks for itself.  But, to summarize, I have tried using qoutes and
> escaping
> the spaces in the list name.  Again, can I just delete the references to
> lists I want to delete from /lists and /archives?
> Thanks for helping,
> Darren
> If you will go to, you can see
> yourself the output generated there (neither test list shows up).
> Likewise, you can go to and see that
> both lists show up there and if you follow the link to Hinds calulus
> ii, it will give you a log in prompt (that is different from what you get
> when you view it from localhost).
> >From localhost, here is exactly what I get when I type, as root, "lynx
> localhost/mailman/listinfo":
> # from screen>                  localhost Mailing Lists
> # from screen>
> # from screen>   Welcome!
> # from screen>
> # from screen>   Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on
> # from screen>   localhost. Click on a list name to get more
> # from screen>   information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe,
> # from screen>   and change the preferences on your subscription.
> # from screen>   To visit the info page for an unadvertised list, open a
> # from screen>   similar to this one, but with a '/' and the
> # from screen>   list name appended.
> # from screen>
> # from screen>   List administrators, you can visit the list admin
> # from screen>   page to find the management interface for your
> # from screen>   list.
> # from screen>
> # from screen>   (Send questions or comments to mailman-owner@localhost.)
> # from screen>
> # from screen>
> # from screen>   List Description
> # from screen>   Hinds calculus ii [no description available]
> # from screen>
> # from screen>
> # from screen>   Delivered by Mailman
> # from screen>   version 2.0.5 Python Powered GNU's Not Unix Mailman home
> # from screen>   page
> # from screen>   Python home page
> # from screen>   GNU home page
> # from screen>
> >From localhost, here is exactly what I get when I type, as root, "lynx
> localhost/mailman/admin":
> # from screen> mailing lists - Admin Links
> # from screen>
> # from screen>   # from screen>
> # from screen>   No such list hinds
> # from screen>
> # from screen>   Below is the collection of publicly-advertised mailman
> # from screen>   mailing lists on Click on a list name
> # from screen>   to visit the configuration pages for that list. To visit
> # from screen>   the administrators configuration page for an
> # from screen>   unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but
> # from screen>   a '/' and the right list name appended.
> # from screen>
> # from screen>   General list information can be found at the mailing list
> # from screen>   overview page.
> # from screen>
> # from screen>   (Send questions and comments to mailman-owner@localhost.)
> # from screen>
> # from screen>
> # from screen>   List Description
> # from screen>   Hinds calculus ii [no description available]
> # from screen>   test This is a test list and will soon be deleted.
> # from screen>
> # from screen>
> # from screen>   Delivered by Mailman
> # from screen>   version 2.0.5 Python Powered GNU's Not Unix Mailman home
> # from screen>   page
> # from screen>   Python home page
> # from screen>   GNU home page
> # from screen>
> Here is what I have tried in order to delete the list.
> # from screen>   fbsd# whoami
> # from screen>   root
> # from screen>   fbsd# pwd
> # from screen>   /usr/local/mailman/bin
> # from screen>   fbsd# ./list_lists
> # from screen>   2 matching mailing lists found:
> # from screen>       Hinds calculus ii - [no description available]
> # from screen>                    test - This is a test list and will soon
> # from screen>   be deleted.
> # from screen>   fbsd# ./rmlist "Hinds calculus ii"
> # from screen>   Not removing archives.  Reinvoke with -a to remove them.
> # from screen>   Removing list info
> # from screen>   fbsd# ./rmlist -a "Hinds calculus ii"
> # from screen>   Removing list info
> # from screen>   hinds calculus ii private archives not found as
> # from screen>   /usr/local/mailman/archives/private/hinds calculus ii
> # from screen>   Removing private archives
> # from screen>   Removing public archives
> # from screen>   Removing public archives
> # from screen>   fbsd# ./list_lists
> # from screen>   2 matching mailing lists found:
> # from screen>       Hinds calculus ii - [no description available]
> # from screen>                    test - This is a test list and will soon
> # from screen>   be deleted.
> # from screen>   fbsd# ./rmlist \Hinds\ calculus\ ii
> # from screen>   Not removing archives.  Reinvoke with -a to remove them.
> # from screen>   Removing list info
> # from screen>   fbsd# ./list_lists
> # from screen>   2 matching mailing lists found:
> # from screen>       Hinds calculus ii - [no description available]
> # from screen>                    test - This is a test list and will soon
> # from screen>   be deleted.
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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