
Answering my previous question, I just found in:

That the RH7.2 rpm sets the default to:
        # DELIVERY_MODULE = 'Sendmail'
        DELIVERY_MODULE = 'SMTPDirect'

So I just needed to switch this around and uncomment the Sendmail and I
can now send messages without any difficulty..

Now I just have to figure out how to direct the mail back to python as I
can send mail from the web interface and from the command line, but when
I try to confirm a subscription nothing happens..

Also, I still seem to be getting regular errors with the get_news

Jan 15 12:40:01 2002 gate_news(652): socket . error :  (111, 'Connection

What is this supposed to do and how am I supposed to turn it off?

Also, I still don't see why I'm getting this error:
# ./check_perms 
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "./check_perms", line 50, in ?
    MAILMAN_GRPNAME = grp.getgrgid(MAILMAN_GID)[0]
TypeError: illegal argument type for built-in operation

# cat /etc/group

Mike Gifford, OpenConcept Consulting, http://www.openconcept.ca
Supporting progressive organizations in online campaigns and tools.
Feature: Women's Learning Partnership http://learningpartnership.org
Truth is that which confirms what we already believe. Northrop  Frye

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