I was able to remove the hostname by reconfiguring my sendmail, but the mailing list mainpage
../mailman/admin/listinfo shows the line "(Send questions and comments to mailman-owner@cebu.)"
where "cebu" is the host name of my machine, how will I change this to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" or
I already edited my mm_cfg.py with the line DEFAULT_HOST_NAME=lists but nothing happened, but it doesnt work?btw the original one in Defaults.py
has the value "cebu".

Richard Barrett wrote:

At 16:18 24/01/2002 +0800, you wrote:
>i successfuly setup and configure mailman on my server, but the problem is
>the return address
>reflect the host name of my machine instead of the "lists" hostname. I
>checked my sendmail.cf file
>but masquerading is on. Is there any way on mailman configuration to
>correct this?

Assuming MM 2.0.x:

Check the hostname defaults set up in $prefix/Mailman/Defaults.py and
override those you don't like with revised assignments in
$prefix/Mailman/mm_cfg.py - see the $build/INSTALL document for more info
on the rationale for this way of working

For any existing list you can edit (very carefully) the last couple of
options on the General Options page of the admin web GUI

>Lito A. Lampitoc
>Foundation for Communication Initiatives                phone:+63(2)8941345
>"If you think you're good, you're not."

Lito A. Lampitoc                
Foundation for Communication Initiatives                phone:+63(2)8941345
CodeWAN Project                                 http://www.codewan.com.ph
"If you think you're good, you're not."

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