> > I would like to put the email address of the addressee in the footer but I
> > don't know how to do can someone help me ?
> You cannot do this with Mailman.
> To do so means each recipients mail must be individually generated,
> rather than a standard mail being passed to the MTA in multi-recipient
> batches.
> It might be possible to do this in a sufficiently broken MTA.

It's possible with qmail (with the qmail-verh patch).

> It is a seriously bad idea for all sorts of reasons.

If you use qmail anyway, there will be no disadvantage from
putting the addressee's email address into the footer.

Greetings, Norbert.

A founder of the http://DotGNU.org project and Steering Committee member
Norbert Bollow, Weidlistr.18, CH-8624 Gruet   (near Zurich, Switzerland)
Tel +41 1 972 20 59       Fax +41 1 972 20 69      http://thinkcoach.com
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