El jue, 07-02-2002 a las 08:37, Solignani Tiziano escribió:
>       Hello everybody,
>       I just subscribed. I installed mailman a month ago and I love it.
>       Do you by any chance know I can send a message to all the
> subscribers of several lists, avoiding of course duplicates?

With $PREFIX/bin/list_members you can obtain text files with member
list.  Then a simple   cat * | sort | uniq   of all member files, you
will obtain that you wish.


 Rodolfo Pilas                Quien los puso a estos tipos donde estan,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Quien los deja seguir en su lugar,
 http://rodolfo.pilas.net     Quien los baja ahora de su altar,
 ICQ #17461636                Quien les paga para que hagan lo que haran
 http://xtralinux.org         -=# Apocalipsis Now % Cuarteto de Nos #=-

  Public GnuPG key: http://www.keyserver.net 1024D/57153363 2001-06-02
  key fingerprint = DAAE 3246 3F7D A420 B7A0  48A5 D120 C773 5715 3363

Mailman-Users maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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