The script alias you added was "mailman" so you should go to your base 
install and /mailman/...

All scripts are accessed via your "mailman" script-alias. The same is true of 
the archive cgi's which you access using the "pipermail" script-alias that 
you also added.

Good Luck - Jon Carnes
(running the new Mandrake 8.2 Beta, and loving it!)

On Sunday 10 February 2002 11:13 am, houghi wrote:
> I seem to have problems to get the link between Apache and Mailman
> running. I did the instaltion with SuSE 7.3 with yast and followed all the
> instuctions given in the INSTALL. (Or so I think) I am able to make a new
> list, delete the list. But I am not able to surf to the page mentioned in
> the email.
> I kan not find the directory /admin/test anywhere (as in
> http://pizza.houghi/admin/test) or /listinfo/test
> I added the following to /etc/httpd/httpd.conf
> Alias /pipermail/ /usr/lib/mailman/archives/public/
> and
> ScriptAlias /mailman/  "/usr/lib/mailman/cgi-bin/"
> I have rebooted apache
> I then get: The requested URL /admin/test was not found on this server.
> I think this is very normal, as I did not point anything to the directory
> where 'admin/test' or 'listinfo/test' should be.
> Can anybody explain me what I have done wrong, have forgoten or what extra
> info you might need.
> houghi

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