Of course it is possible to get Mailman working with Iplanet.  Read the
INSTALL file really well and do what it says.

For the web part, Iplanet has to have some way of activating a CGI.  Setup
the CGI's as described in the INSTALL file.  The script alias /mailman/ has
to be setup to go to ~mailman/cgi-bin/

If you want archives to work, then you have to accommodate pipermail as
well: /pipermail/ ==> ~mailman/archives/public

Additionally, when you install Mailman, you have to know what group ID that
Iplanet runs as.  Mailman only allows users in that Group to access it's CGI
programs and its scripts.

For the MTA part, all you need is the ability to put in aliases (that run

Iplanet is supposed to provide you with basic web functions, and basic
messaging functions.  Of course it goes well beyond those two simple things.
Still, if it can *do* those two simple things, then it can work with

None of us are going to figure out the details for you - we don't have the
time.  If you don't have the time either, then hire someone to figure it

Jon Carnes
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sergio Sousa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Lista de discussões Mailman'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 6:10 AM
Subject: [Mailman-Users] I Suppose that MailMan doesn't work with

> Is this correct?
> I don't see any post about Iplanet .... I ask some questions about it,
> and nobody answer!
> Can anyone just tell me if it is possible put this solution to work?
> Thanks again,
>  Sergio Sousa
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