(I apologize for asking here what is mostly a sendmail question ... but it 
has come up on this list as part of advice about Mailman throughput.)

Would someone please repeat the suggestion that has been posted here not 
too long ago about setting sendmail to be a little more lenient about 
allowing addresses where the domain does not resolve under DNS, but without 
creating an open relay.

(As i'm still rather tentative about mucking with sendmail, I'd appreciate 
being told explicitly whether this is something to put in the sendmail.mc, 
or directly in the sendmail.cf, or in one of the external files.  (I do 
know how to build the cf from the mc.)   This is in Sendmail 8.9.1a.)


Mitch Marks

Mitchell Marks
CUIP Tech Coordinator    http://cuip.uchicago.edu
CUIP: Chicago Public Schools / Univ. of Chicago Internet Project
5640 S Ellis Ave  AAC-045, Univ of Chgo, Chgo IL 60637

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