Indeed, that was it.

I was installing on a RedHat machine which had Ensim on it. This had 
installed a /etc/smrsh/wrapper file already for Majordomo. I had tried to 
do the /etc/smrsh/mailman_wrapper thing as suggested in the install 
documentation. That didn't seem to work, but removing the Majordomo and 
replacing it with Mailman's did the trick.

Thanks for your help,


--On Thursday, March 21, 2002 5:29 pm -0500 Jon Carnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Is your system using "smrsh"?  If so, you will have to put a link in the
> /etc/smrsh directory for /home/mailman//mail/wrapper.

Simon J. Coles                                   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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