
I am trying to setup mailing lists using Mailman. I use Sun Solaris
2.8 on Sparc. My mail delivery system is QMAIL.

I have defined a mailing list called mtest. However, attempts to
subscribe to the list donot succeed. They just get into the Mailbox
of the user "mailman".

I am sure there are many who have the QMAIL+MAILMAN combination
working. Can anybody please help me set it up correctly ?

Thanks a lot.


| Ajit K. Jena              Phone : (Office) +91-22-5767751       |
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| Indian Institute of Technology    (Home)   +91-22-5722545 x8068 |
|                                   (Mobile) +91-9820-200112      |
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| PIN 400076, India                 Email :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |

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