
About a week back I had posted a query about configuring Mailman
to co-exist with QMAIL. I got a few answers and finally took the
easy option of setting up a virtualdomain under QMAIL. Now things
are working fine.

I have another issue:

        We have a majordomo setup. There we have a list where most
        of the list members can not post. The posting rights are
        with a designated few (who may or may not be subscribing
        to the list). All the rest are simply recipients.

        How can I implement such a thing under Mailman scheme ?

Hoping to get some useful tips.


-- ajit

| Ajit K. Jena              Phone : (Office) +91-22-5767751       |
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| Indian Institute of Technology    (Home)   +91-22-5722545 x8068 |
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