
I'm new to Mailman and I've read the various documentation, FAQ's and 
scanned the archives, but I don't see a definitive answer to setting up an 
"announce only" type list.  I can't quite come up with the solution I want, 
and perhaps there isn't with this version.  Ideally what I'd like is this:

When members (or anyone) try to send to the list, they receive the message 
back in the "autoresponse_postings_text" variable but *NOT* the short 
message indicating that the post is being held pending administrative 
approval (as it won't ever get approved).  In this case, the list 
administrator would only need select "discard" from the "tend to pending 
administrative tasks" page instead of having to word a reply for each posting.

Unfortunately setting "Send mail to poster when their posting is held for 
approval?" to no also seems to disable the autorespond text.  Setting the 
above to yes then sends *both* messages - the short one indicating the 
message is being held for approval and the autorespond text.  The problem 
is the messages conflict - one says the message is being held for approval 
and the other says no posts to this list are allowed.

Another possible solution would be to change the short message to indicate 
no posts are allowed, but I don't see any method of doing so from the web 
interface.  Is there a way?

I'd also like to change the "Welcome to the list" e-mail text, is there a 
way to do this - other than just adding additional text?

If anyone has a better method for setting up an announce only list, I'm all 

Any suggestions are appreciated.  Thanks!


Applications Specialist
Westminster Public Library
Westminster, CO USA

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